

⑥水蒸気温パック (朝昼晩3回)


I have learned that there is more “don`t”s than “do”s at the first onset of facial paralysis. It is crucial to start both corticosteroids and antiviral medications within 72 hours of developing your initial symptoms. I was lucky enough to start treatment within 48 hours. I was in good hands at the ER department in a university medical center in Japan. There were many specialists all in one location so it took only half a day to get my diagnosis. If you ever suspect that you have symptoms of facial paralysis, you should seek immediate medical attention. If you do not know where to go, I would suggest to be seen by an otorhinolaryngology specialist.
Timing is key, especially for Ramsey Hunt Syndrome (RHS). I cannot stress enough that every hour and every minute that pass counts heavily. The faster you start the medication, the faster you minimize the nerve damage to improve your chance of recovery. My medical treatment for RHS lasted for a total of 10 days. I was told by the Japanese medical doctor that my body’s natural healing capabilities are relied upon after the 10 day treatment period.
The doctor instructed me to gently massage my face everyday to ease stiffness and tightening of the facial muscles. I was surprised that there was no other special `do`s. My last conversation with him ended with a memorable comment that my complete recovery was dependent on the strength of my will.
I did learn that no matter how strong your will is and how quickly you want to recover that there are several “don’t”s that I encountered during my healing stage. When my face first lost movement, I was in a state of panic and tried massaging my face with an EMS roller. That was big NO NO for me. I needed to avoid any e-stimulations, acupuncture, forceful movement, stress and fatigue. I found that when I started some healing modalities too early or too much, they did more harm than good for me. With my facial paralysis, I found that I just could not force my face to move. It was like trying to use a mobile phone when it is out of the service area. I really needed to be patient until my nerves started to feel again.
My first few days into RHS was very challenging. Being a makeup artist, I am hired for the unique skills that I personally offer. I was fully booked in Japan for a few of my clients when the RHS happened. It dawned on me that I was the only one who could finish the jobs that I had taken on. There was no time for me to feel sorry for myself or get depressed. I was determined to finish my jobs while I was getting treatment for my RHS. I felt lucky to have supportive friends and family who gave me words of encouragement and looked up treatment remedies for me. Having a circle of support helped me get through that stressful time. It helped me keep my spirits up and I was able to complete my duties and responsibilities. It was after a week from the diagnosis that I was finally able to have complete rest. I read that a lowered immune system from stress and exhaustion can cause RHS and I reflect back at that time. I believe that plenty of rest and relaxation is some of the best medicine!
Sometimes it’s hard to to get that rest when there is a lot of work but I felt I needed to put myself first if I wanted to get better. So I created a “ME-First” self-care routine and religiously followed it every single day:
①Gentle hand massage on my face whenever I had a minute during the day. I ensured longer and complete massages 3 times a day: morning/lunch/night)
②Take a nice warm bath for 45-60mins.
③Take a nap when I felt tired, and go to sleep before 11:00PM.
④Avoid using my PC or mobile phone as much as possible. (reduce exposure to blue light from electronic devices)
⑤Take herbs, superfoods, and natural supplements that would promote neurological health, boost immune system and overall health. (Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, organic oregano oil, chaga, ginger, turmeric, ginger plum tea, pea-protein, hot water, etc)
When my body was recuperating and I started to feel better, I added a few more things to do onto my routine
⑥ Warm up with a steam facial mask 3 times a day. (morning/lunch/night)
⑦Lymphatic drainage massage
⑧Morning yoga and walking.
Looking back, my “ME-First” routines were not particularly special. Anyone can do it anywhere if one can become mindful to one’s own body, mind and face. It taught me to value my own personal time every single day. I make this sound very simple yet I know it can be a difficult thing to accomplish because of the busy lives we all lead. But, I think I am important enough and I hope you feel that about yourself too. I woke up each and every day with `ME-First` in mind and invited stillness and relaxation during my first month of RHS.
NOTE: This is not a professional recommendation on how to deal with RHS, rather it is my personal journey through this rare condition. Everyone can have different experience and I am happy to share mine.