発症から4ヶ月が経ち、右側の顔も順調に動きを取り戻してきた昨年7月頃。Synkinesis (病的共同運動)と言う症状が出始めました。病的共同運動とは再生してきた口と目を動かす神経が混線した状態となる後遺症の一つです。唇をとがらしたり大きくあくびなどをすると麻痺側の眼が細くなったり、逆に眼を閉じたり瞬きをすると麻痺側の口角が同時に上がってしまうのです。自分の意図に反して口と眼が同時に動いてしまうのは、何とも居心地が悪いものです。



Will (mind), immunity (body), and thought (brain) are the three powers that we all possess as human beings to maintain our physical and mental well-being. I have learned from my facial palsy retraining exercise on how these three can work in tune to make the impossible possible for me.
A new condition called synkinesis showed up in the fourth month from onset on the affected, right side of my face. Synkinesis happens to be one of the consequences of facial palsy. It is a condition where voluntary initiation of facial movement triggers varied involuntary movements immediately afterwards. An example of when synkinesis happened for me was at the moment when I puckered my lips or yawned, my right eye squinted on its own. The reverse also occurred when I fully closed my right eye or blinked; the right corner of my lips lifted up without my control. These unexpected conditions were quite discomforting to say the least.
I was told that stress and forced effort to separate the voluntary and involuntary movements can worsen my synkinesis. Instead, keeping the effort small and gentle can combat synkinesis. I had to learn not to fight with it. It was very fascinating to find out that even with all the advanced treatments available to fix synkinesis, my own brain plays a crucial role as a messenger to the nerves and reset this distressful condition! My head was full of questions and doubts when I was first told to “let my brain teach the right way”. I heard about the mind and body connection, but I had never experienced what it is like to talk with my brain!
I’d like to share a little bit of my process on starting that conversation. It was important for me to position myself to ZERO. I likened it to being in a neutral mode as if I were meditating. This helped my facial muscles to relax so I could fully focus. It lead me to carefully study and really observe the tiny differences between the left and right side of my face. The conversation was very slow and deliberate. I picked up information from the facial movements and expressions from the unaffected left side. I mindfully relay that to my brain so it can then teach it to my affected right side. I observe if what I just relayed was being received properly. As soon as I could feel that synkinesis occurred, I stopped and let my brain know calmly “No. This is not correct”. Repeating this simple conversation of either “yes” or “no” required a lot more patience and practice than I anticipated. Nothing happened overnight. I gave myself the space for encouragement since I was tasked to reset my nerve movements. It took several months of diligence and care before seeing any sign of improvement. Gradually, my facial nerves started to respond in the positive direction.
I disagree with some medical reports stating that once synkinesis starts, there is no natural cure. I am confident that my condition had improved after a long steady effort of retraining the nerve path by believing in my own three powers: I relaxed into my mind, I carefully listened to my body and I diligently talked with my brain.
When I am faced with illness or physical challenges, when I am faced with hardships in life, I realize that no one can confront those challenges for me. I have to face them head on for myself. Keeping focus on my three powers helped open up a whole new ability to cope with life’s problems. It has really guided me towards a positive path. Not only was I able to work through my facial palsy conditions, I gained knowledge that benefits many aspects of my daily life. It especially rings true during this unprecedented time.
NOTE: This is not a professional recommendation on how to deal with RHS, rather it is my personal journey through this rare condition. Everyone can have different experience and I am happy to share mine.